Teens Changes & Problems


Teens Changes & Problems

I would like to discuss the most important and sensitive topic, the changes and problems happening in adolescence ie. TeenagersI would like to say that adolescence is the most difficult period of life. Then what is adolescence?

In the words of Dr. Jarsilde, adolescence is a state of tension, storm, conflict, and opposition. According to Elizabeth Hurlock, adolescence is a condition of multiplicity.

So now the question arises, are our teenagers safe… is it healthy… or is it burdened with negativity problems, problems… depression. So who should take care of them and who should take responsibility? Remember that saying - 'Stop it better than treatment'. So, let's look at the changes and problems of teenagers. So that all of us together. Help them with great responsibility.

According to psychologists, teenage is the most important part of life. When the child is neither small nor big. This is a sensitive period as teens undergo significant changes during this period. Mental, Intellectual, Mind, Spiritual, Emotional, Hormonal and all these changes happen very fast. Due to which many problems arise. Not only this, it is considered important to set the career of children at this age. These times are very challenging for parents as well as children.

At this age, the mind of children is very fickle. Both good and bad things get affected very quickly. This is the most delicate phase of a child's life. During this time, if the slightest negligence is done, the way of life of the child will change'. Parents' responsibility in this way increases more. At this age, children become very angry, irritable, moody, stubborn…. Tendencies of tension and anxiety arise in them. The feeling of being independent awakens.

Not only this, at the age of thirteen to nineteen years, many fall preys to misconceptions. Which has an adverse effect on their development and from here they take the path of disorientation.

Although children feel these changes, they are often unable to understand them. Also, they do not have any medium through which they can get accurate information about these changes.

So, they seek the help of the same age friends to calm their curiosity, excitement, curiosity, or else rely on videos, cheap books. And due to the Immature brain, many fall victims to confusion. Which has a bad effect on his mind and personality.

Three changes are very important in Teenage.

1. Psychological Changes - Psychological Changes

2. Social Changes - Social Changes

3. Emotional Changes - Emotional Changes


1. Psychological Change :

Psychological changes abound at this age. They get very excited and emotional. Because of which the address does not differentiate between true and false. At this age, excitement and emotionality are so strong that children become very logical. They talk on each other.

Bold by nature become bold, adventurous. This psychological change of theirs is neither agreed by the parents nor by the society, due to which a feeling of anger, rebellion, tension, anxiety develops.


2. Social Change : 

   Teens undergo psychological change as well as social change. In their mind, the sense of 'self' means 'who am I'. Due to which they want their own separate identity in the society at home. Want to be free from parental control and be influenced by friends, ie they have a feeling of freedom, a sense of responsibility. Also, at the same age, the attraction of Boyfriend Girlfriend is awakened. Internet, mobile is more affected by social media. Today's Teens want to build their culture differently. Which can be called a sub-culture. Such as: - Birthday Party likes to celebrate with friends or in a restaurant or club rather than celebrating with family members at home. Friends like to get-together, Picnic Enjoy.

 3. Emotional Changes :

During this time, their intelligence is powered by hormones. Because of which they must go through many emotional changes.

Such as: - Swing mood, getting irritable, seeking privacy, worrying about the future, getting into feelings, disconnecting from family, and growing close with friends, getting stressed due to carelessness towards studies. They feel that their world has suddenly changed. Many times, they are suicidal, even harming themselves when they do some ignorance, parents also get scolded.

It is worth noting that due to these changes, many types of problems are born in them, such as: - mental problem, personal problem, stress problem, suicide problem, social problem, food problem, drug problem.


a. Mental Problem- 'Mental instability' is found due to the sudden rapid "growth". Feelings of hope, despair, good and bad create a stir. Therefore, Teens always have double standards in his mind. Stresses, many times they go into depression.

b. Personal Problems - Teens are deeply troubled by personal problem. Due to physical changes, many people are surrounded by negative feelings about their appearance, obesity, voice, height, clothes, hair etc. They imprison themselves at home, do not go to social activities. They hold themselves with depression, anxiety. Find out your shortcomings. Compare to others.

 c. Stress Problem- Stress problem is a major problem in Teens. According to an experience, about 20% of Teens in the world suffer from mental problems and behavioral problems. Due to which the problem of mental diseases has increased in the last two-three decades. Many times, this stress becomes the cause of suicide later. Experts are of the opinion that childhood abuse, stressful parental relationships, violence in the family and surrounding environment, poverty, illiteracy, social exclusion, insecurity, especially sexual harassment, and abuse in girls are mental and behavioral. Problems are seen.

d. Drugs Problem- The drug problem in Teens is emerging as a macabre problem. And it has become a serious problem, which starts with the idea of having fun. Which affects their ability to learn, develop as well as physical mental state. And today its victims are both boys and girls. The chances of violence, accident, theft due to drug addiction are increasing. Which is a cause for great concern.

Friends, there are many situations in life, circumstances, problems occur when we are unable to take care of them. Adolescence is not a problem, it is a state that will pass away after some time. Children's in our life are our happiness is the flowers of our garden. So it is our responsibility to help our teens how to take care so that they can be happy and comfortable.

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