How To Overcome Failure
Failure is necessary for success, because in a work in which there is no possibility of defeat, there is no
meaning of victory.
It is common to find success
or failure in the exam. Trouble begins when failure is found, because failure
is painful. Doubt on one's own ability begins. So do you get lost in the
darkness of failures… Many go into depression and going into depression is not
the solution to any problem. Protect yourself from getting into this situation.
It is necessary to trust oneself. Failure does not end everything.
Be courageous instead of
"crying" rather than "afraid" of failure, accept it as
"I failed" and failing is not a crime. Suppose there is no such thing
as failure, it is just a result. Lack of self has to focus on mistake.
Now the question arises -
what should be our attitude towards disappointment and discouraging things from
failure? Because we all know the way of the world… As soon as success is
achieved, the people of the world find many qualities within you and as soon as
failure is achieved, then thousands of holes start counting. Repeatedly remind
you to fail… How did it happen?
First of all, don't be afraid
of your failure, accept it, don't be afraid, face it ... it needs to be taken
care of and you have to do it. There is a dire need for a change in thinking,
habits for success.
Take the responsibility of
failure yourself. Challenge him, what happened if you failed, tell yourself
with full courage and confidence, I will or will only achieve success.
Criticize yourself. Find mistakes, weaknesses, flaws, and be determined to
improve it.
Failure will only be overcome
if you let him get over you. Then you will fail again and again, that too, what
you will do in different ways and in different amounts is a matter of thinking.
Do not consider yourself
weak. First of all, remove this thing from your mind. Only then you will be
able to overcome failure and you can move yourself forward. Will you be able to
try a new one? Failure made you aware. Be Positive, Be nice to yourself…
If you keep failure leads us
to great success… more focus and dedication is needed. 'One failure looks like
a hundred successes'.
A successful person makes his
failure the basis of success. Make yourself excited. Do not accidentally
imprison yourself in the house… go out… meet people, face them with a positive
attitude. Everyone gets thwarted. You are not the first person. Great-to-great,
great-to-great people have suffered humiliation of failure.
Missile man Abdul Kalam saheb's dream of becoming a pilot in the Air Force was shattered as he failed in the interview. Sachin Tendulkar at 8th Std. had failed, then Amitabh Bachchan was rejected in an interview of All India Radio due to his loud voice.
Can you imagine 12 times J.K.
Rowlings’s Book ‘Harrry Potter’ was rejected by publisher… and today ‘Herry
Potter’ remains the highest place in the world.
Can you expect success after
failure a thousand times? A man who has brought light into our lives today Thomas Edison had failed a thousand times before successfully making Light
Bulb. Failure cannot beat you until you give up…
If you lose your mind, then everyone
is defeated and if you win with your mind, victory is definite. Because there is
Magnetic Power in thinking, so be positive. Only a little confidence,
perseverance a little daring, effort is needed which can turn a hopeless
failure into a grand success.
When the pearl is not found,
the diver does not return but instead he dives more vigorously and dives deeper
and clears the pearl in his fist. Give your failure a new name - 'Successful
Change your perspective
Motivate yourself. And don't compare yourself to anyone.
Failure is a lesson Who gives
himself a chance to improve. There is a need to understand this because it is a
part of life. Proceeded.
'Whatever has
passed, the matter has gone, now improve further'
Increase your scope… Find new options… Get out of your comfort zone, only then will success come. There is only difference of 'A' in success and failure and this 'A' is our attitude. If failure is not permanent then what is permanent success. Just keep moving forward. Not to lose enthusiasm even after repeated failures is a big success. Because success is not a destination. This is a never ending journey that has no end.
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