Attitude of a Winner & Looser
What’s difference between a Winner and Loser. This is how
they both 'react' when 'trouble' comes. Winner is none other than Loser who
tries again after losing until he wins. Neither he gives up nor is
disappointed. Because he knows that defeat keeps on winning in life. The one
who loses only wins. In the parade, in one command, the first man turns in
“last” and the last man comes on the "first" number. This is the
"result of life".
Have a
look on the thinking of "winner" and
"loser", on their 'mindset', which makes one 'Winner' and the other
one 'Loser'.
Hello Friends, First of all, you would request everyone, to watch this video till the end, as well as do not forget to like and subscribe. Thank you so much.
Friends, who does not want to win, everyone wants to win
in life. Proper guidance of elders is important in life. Because proper
guidance leads to victory. If you want to win in life, then awaken the feeling
of victory. Build strong determination and confidence. Be stubborn if you want
to win. Here, stubbornness does not mean the stubbornness of children, but the
stubbornness of touching the height. Dedicate your power, hard work to the goal
of victory. Promise yourself to win. Generate positive thinking. Until you do
not struggle, you will not accept the challenges, then you will not win. No
pain, No Gain will matter. The idea of growing up overnight is pointless.
This is not possible. To fill the bucket, one has to wait patiently for the
overflow to occur. Patience is essential for victory. If you understand the
path of right and wrong then it will prove to be better for success. Do not be
afraid of problems, but eat it as a breakfast in the morning.
It is a matter of saying. "Winner focus on Winning
and Loser focus on winners". Friends, a person's perspective, his
thinking, as well as how he acts and these things make a person a Winner and a
person a Loser.
1. Execution or Waiting :
The winner accepts the challenges, struggles with them, looks at the possibilities. On the contrary, the loser sees problems. And how
will it be possible to see if something looks right. How is it possible. The
winner performs the work and the loser waits for the work to happen.
2. Trust Yourself :
Winners never give up and those who give up are not able to become winners. Trust yourself to succeed, try to fulfill the dream you have dreamed of. The winner has a vision of a lion, not a fox.
3. Solve the Problem :
When a mistake is made, the winner takes responsibility for the mistake,
finds a solution to the problem, that is, becomes part of the solution. On the contrary, the looser blames someone else for the
fault. Finds excuses, obsesses over solutions, looks at the problem, how
will it happen?
4. Challenging :
challenger challenges the winner while the loser steals the eyes.
5. Promise of Promise :
promise of the terms is sure of the genet. On the contrary, the loser talks
hollow. The conqueror attaches importance to action and speech. And there is a
difference in the actions of the loser.
6. Dreams of Success :
victor dreams of success with open eyes, the loser makes a dreamy casserole,
dreams hollow.
7. Positive View :
winning person has a habit of working immediately and the loser has a habit of
postponing. One is positive Attitude and the other is a victim of Negative
8. Clarity :
winner's thinking is clear. They talk thoughtfully, all the loser's words are
vaguely confusing, they first speaks then thinks.
9. Hard Won :
negative thinking person is afraid of hard work. If there is a small problem,
it starts to panic, becomes irritable temper. Whereas the winner does not panic
with hard work, rather he sees the joy of winning.
10. Do Not Give Up :
The winner says that this work is difficult, but not impossible, and gets involved in reaching that goal to its goal. While the loser knelt down. And according to him, this work is impossible.
These few habits change both the direction and
the condition of life. If you have a lot of problems in life, if you have a
habit of not giving up, then your victory is certain. A man who has lost from
the field can win again, but a man defeated by heart can never win. Therefore,
it is prudent to win over your bad habits, there is no big win and happiness
out of it.
Do you remember the lines of the great poet Girija Kumar Mathur:
I will be Successful, we will be successful one day, have faith
in mind, complete trust, we will succeed one day.
Admit it, be determined, then there will be a victory, or else
defeat on defeat. And in winning many times, defeat is also necessary so that
we know what misconceptions and flaws we have made. Right.
So well it’s said - You accept defeat, you decide to win, the destiny is in front, you should recognize them, there was a destiny in the eyes, you kept on living and living, the winds tried a lot, but the lamp, which is in the intestines Kept on burning as well.
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